

What motivated you to work in veterinary medicine?

My love and care for animals.

What has been your most rewarding moment working in veterinary medicine?

I am excited to have these moments.

If you weren’t working at a veterinary clinic, what would you do?

Working with animals.

What is the most exotic animal you have treated?

I have not had the opportunity yet.

What animal scares you more than any other?

Snakes – creepy and crawly.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

Being an awesome doggy mom.

What do you do in your spare time?

Boating, yard work, antique shopping.

What is your favorite comfort food?


What is your biggest pet peeve?

Dirty floors and windows.

What animals do you currently have?

3 dogs, 5 cats, chickens, pot belly pig, turkeys.

If you were to come back as an animal, what would it be and why?

Deer – peaceful and travel in a pack with family.

What is your favorite childhood movie and why?

Charlottes Web – I always wanted to live on a farm.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Spending time on the lake with family.

Name 3 things people might be surprised about if they knew it about you?

1. I want to own a hobby farm.

2. I want to move to Alaska one day.

3. I never want to take a cruise.